Designs, develops, and distributes modular polyethylene pontoons used in a variety of marine applications.
Call us toll-free 877-456-2531 or email info© so that we can answer any questions and assist you in selecting the right diameter and size needed for your application.
Maintenance free, extra strong and durable. Supports 600 lbs. gross weight at full submersion.
Modular construction: bow, middle and stern modules come in 8 ft. and 12 ft. lengths. Supports up to 1,950 lbs.
Modular construction: bow, middle and stern modules are 10 ft. in length. Supports up to 4,200 lbs.
View some examples of how our products are used in actual applications.
Wilson partners with marine designers, architects, plastic engineers, tool designers, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and manufacturers unique to design goals and parameters for our customers.
7370 Honore Ave, Unit #2305, Sarasota, FL 34238 | USA | 419-675-0002 |
Copyright A© 2003-2025 Wilson Pontoons, Inc. All Rights Reserved I Design Patent US DS205,935 S